Adsys Controls 2010-2011

Sponsor: Adsys Controls

Company Logo Adsys Controls

A Ping Pong Robot To Demonstrate Vision and Control Systems

The Adsys SCOPE team designed a ping pong playing robot. The goal of the demonstrator is to showcase the capabilities of Adsys Controls in vision systems, dynamics, and robotics control systems. The demonstrator utilizes Adsys Controls’ ProLight-based high speed vision system as well as their commercial FPGA Image Processing Toolkit libraries. The team tackled the technically challenging problem of detecting, tracking, and manipulating a ping pong ball in real time.

Adsys Controls poster

Faculty Advisor
Andrew Bennett

Team Members
Nitin Karpania
Elena Oleynikova
Kaelyn Stadmueller
Kathryn Sullivan
Lorraine Weis

Team members sitting and standing around a desk smiling